KALEIDA - is a small animated short that was created for a collaboration brief at Norwich University of the Arts. I was lucky enough to work with the incredibly talented Teal Barnes and Alwin Ediagbonya who both acted as Directors on this project to inform the aesthetic and story. The animation and character design was also their doing. We were also very happy to receive a beautifully playful soundtrack produced by the musical artist Thomas Newman .
I acted as the background artist and colourist primarily. I also produced the visual effects and acted as editor.
The final product is a small sequence of shots that we felt were ready to present. The group felt that a quality over quantity approach was best, therefore we focused heavily on the aesthetics and pushing how far we could render this piece.
There is, somewhere out there in the ether, a fully realised version of this project where all the shots were finished and proper diegetic sound was fully integrated. Due to the unfinished nature of the project, the narrative is hard to grasp as there are large chunks missing. So for now Kaleida acts purely as a show of visuals (with a dainty personalised tune layered in)
Other sketches/thumbnails exploring simple shapes to find potential new ideas for environments.